- June 08, 2016
“I have found that writing with the SUBPAC S2 in the studio to be invaluable. I love that once you get used to it you can really get a sense of depth that was missing before. I use it to gauge my subs, bassdrums and even check the weight in my hats and pads. I much prefer this way of working and find it to be truer than the visual alternatives like spectragraphs, which I always found to be complicated. It gives you a true feel as to how loud your sub is against your bassdrums and snares. This is definitely the way forward for my musical productions and recommend it to anyone who listens to music :)”
With a career spanning 16 years and a backlog of releases, Leon has been busy to say the least.
Stemming from a musical background, Leon specialised in lead guitar as his first instrument and spent most of his teenage years in various bands performing anything from Heavy metal to 60’s-70’s Rock’n’Roll.
He first started programming music in 1992 and then bought his first studio setup in 1998, soon to follow was his debut release in 2001 on Unkut Recordings.
2002 saw the birth of Defcom Records along with the partnership of Kryptic Minds, and a massive passion for deep dark Drum and Bass. [wpex more=”Read More >>” less=”Read less”]
With releases on imprints such as MetalHeadz, Frequency, Freak, Monitor and Penetration to name just a few, he had recorded and remixed for some of the scenes true pioneers and then 2007
was to see his debut Album ‘Lost all Faith’.
2008/9 and a change of tempo and name, pushed him into the limelight. Now writing under the Kryptic Minds moniker, the ‘One of us’ album was released on Swamp81 and the international touring started.
Reaching places as far as New Zealand, Australia and Hong Kong and then out to places such as Moscow, Siberia, Ukraine, but not forgetting nearly all of europe in his home times…
The releases continued on imprints such as Tectonic and Osiris Music Uk and then Black Box released the ‘Cant Sleep’ Album in 2011.
2013 and Hollywoods motion picture ‘Elysium’ features his track ‘Six Degrees’ at a pinacle moment in the film and then The ‘Namaste EP’ got released and saw the long awaited ‘Badman VIP’ hit the shelves.
2014 saw Leon branch out on his own again and imediately sign to the legendary Distance’s imprint Chestplate, with his debut tracks Deadlock and Persepolisia, alongside his long awaited ‘Leon Switch Presents Deep, Dark Dubstep’ sample pack for Loopmasters.
2016 and his secound release on Chestplate – Intrepid backed with Overlook…[/wpex]