- June 08, 2016
“After using the SUBPAC in the studio, I feel like I’m attacking the low-end in my mixes with unprecedented confidence! I definitely recommend this thing.”
Mr. Bill’s first exposure to electronic music occurred at 18 when a friend took him to a psytrance show (known as a doof) on a beach in NSW, Australia. At the time, he thought the CDJs were playing everything live and was amazed that someone could do so much complex production on the spot. His foray into electronic music production began shortly after when his parents bought a Macintosh computer. Starting with GarageBand, Day quickly found Ableton, which he still uses today. He received a bachelor’s degree in Audio Engineering from SAE Institute, in Sydney, NSW which helped solidify his electronic production skills. Production appealed to Bill because of the frustration of having to work around other musicians in bands, a sentiment echoed by Frank Zappa.
Through the years, Bill collaborated with many artists and released dozens of remixes and singles, as well as 10 EPs. In 2013, he released The Collaborative Endeavours, a double-album consisting of collaborations with various artists over 28 tracks. His fifth album, IRL, was released in 2014, followed 9 months later by his sixth album, Settling for Mediocrity. Both were released through Section Z Records.