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Peugeot ‘Fractal’ Concept Car

By October 9, 2015August 28th, 2018No Comments

We are incredibly proud to have worked  alongside one of our favorite music producers Amon Tobin to help create a unique music based concept car for French car manufacturer Peugeot.

Visionary Music Producer and art futurist Amon Tobin first bought the SUBPAC to the attention of the Peugeot concept car team earlier in 2015 and championed it as a new and efficient solution for high fidelity bass and sub bass response in the Peugeot ‘Fractal’ concept car he was designing. Seeing it’s potential to deliver a physical sense of low frequencies both accurately and silently in a closed cabin environment, he brought SUBPAC into the mix to generate Tactile Audio in the ‘Fractal‘ thereby avoiding the inherent problems attached to speaker driven technologies. In doing so it complimented his vision to pull together a collection of advanced audio based technologies to create an in-car music experience that would sonically and musically supersede anything currently available in the automotive world.

With SUBPACs built in to the seats, each with their own discrete intensity knobs, 11 Focal speakers and an 80% 3D printed and specially produced anechoic interior, the ‘Fractal‘ represents a music maker’s take on what car audio should sound like, full frequency and pristine from top to bottom. The ‘Fractal’ will launch at the Frankfurt Automotive show in October, it will then tour the world arriving in Paris in November and then moving in to Abu Dhabi and Shanghai in the coming months. Huge thanks to Peugeot and Amon – we’ve set a stake in the ground for all to beat. Someday we’ll all have Tactile Bass at 100km an hour.


Sound: (SUBPAC feature at 2.30mins)

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